Tag Archive | Resistance

Cruz Calls President ‘Dangerous And Terrifying’ – CBS Houston

English: Ted Cruz at the Republican Leadership...

English: Ted Cruz at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So few people have the honor to call the President what he is: A lawless tyrant. He rules by diktat. If the same law-by-decree schemes were happening in Venezuela, the intellectually hamstrung idiots who ‘love’ the President would find it easy to see the base despotism.

But they can’t, because it’s happening to them, and they think they like the decrees. Like so many people, they lack all principle when they see a benefit to themselves in being spineless and cowardly.

Senator Ted Cruz is one of the few with a spine and a voice.

Reference: http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/01/10/cruz-calls-president-dangerous-and-terrifying/

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On the Degradation of Rights by Attacking the Most Vulnerable Persons | S/V Danneskjöld

On the Degradation of Rights by Attacking the Most Vulnerable Persons | S/V Danneskjöld

Here on the S/V Danneskjöld we value abiding of the law. Above that, we value human dignity and the rights inherent to that dignity.

Problem is, for years I have viewed “Weapons Under Disability” offenses as a sort of prolonged-probation for violent felony offenders who have been released. Similarly, I took a ‘pragmatic’ approach to the ‘mentally ill,’ because, you know, who wants crazies running around with guns.

Well, I’m here to tell you – I was wrong.

It seems clear now that whatever chink in the armor of human rights is exposed to those determined to run them into the ground, that chink will be exploited. Also, one must think of this as a matter of principle.

We do not enslave someone for their entire lives by virtue of their commission of a crime unless they are sentenced sufficiently that they die while incarcerated or supervised. It is unjust to strip them of a human right inherent to dignity upon their release. That’s not to say they can’t lose civic or participatory rights, like voting or holding public office, but owning the means of personal defense is of a different nature.

The same goes for those who have been deemed mentally fit enough to walk free in the public. If a person is not such a danger that they must be involuntarily held in an institution, than they are not such a danger as to be denied their basic human dignity. That dignity includes the right to effectively protect one’s body from criminal violence.

No, there are NO reasonable exceptions to a persons right to be armed – which is why the fourth amendment talks about ‘reasonableness’ and the second simply states “SHALL NOT.”

Read on to see the poisonous filth the government uses to expand its ever-growing need to control its subjects.

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On the Undocumented Democrat Rob Portman | S/V Danneskjöld


Senator Rob Portman today AGAIN sided against the military and voted to extend unemployment benefits (for three months) for people who haven’t looked for a job in two years. The three month extension of loafing benefits costs the same as restoring benefits that the Republicans stripped from military retirement benefits earlier this month.

On economics Ron Portman is a traitor who cannot be trusted.

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USA Today: ‘Voluntary’ Government Checkpoints Spark Backlash – As they Should


This is why the exclusionary rule is insufficient to protect American rights. The requirement that I pause even one second on my free travels for this nonsense is a gross violation of my rights.

A new scheme must be devised, based either on very liberal civil lawsuits without any government intermediary, and the elimination of immunity for violations of civil rights, or something else.

Mere exclusion from use in Court has no influence on a government bent on non-judicial intimidation and conditioning.

Reference: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/06/government-checkpoints-driving/4265633/

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USA Threat to World Peace? | S/V Danneskjöld

Well Congratulations USA! Voted greatest threat to world peace!!

Normally I’d be inclined to be jingoistic and upset about such a nomination, but given that the US government believes it has an Orwellian and tyrannical right to all the papers, effects and communications of all people on the earth, both at home and abroad; and given that such invasions have longtime been viewed themselves as acts of war, it’s pretty easy to see why people think of the US as already at war with every living human on the planet.

Womp womp


[Image Source: KnowYourMeme]

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Commentary: Is Justin Amash Doomed? | The National Interest

Horrific Traitor Brian Ellis on His Oath of Office: I Let Other People Decide What My Honor Means.

What a piece of trash. A Republican assassin dispatched to off one of the only hopes of the party’s survival into the future.

Here’s to dishonorable disgusting people being dishonorably disregarded and dislodged.

Brian Ellis: FOAD.

Reference: http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/justin-amash-9659

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Judge extends deadline to keep Jahi McMath on life support

Aaaaahhh! Now the statists are redefining the word ‘life.’ What next, deciding that disabled people aren’t ‘alive’ and therefore killing them causes ‘no irreparable harm?’

Their words, not mine!

All these assholes who substitute their value judgement for others, and do so at the point if a gun … Enraging.

Happy New Year!

Reference: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/12/31/family-california-teen-declared-brain-dead-says-ny-facility-is-last-last-hope/?intcmp=latestnews

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MOLON LABE: Free for a limited time

Free For A Limited Time: Molon Labe, documentary.

How To Be A Patriot

How To Be A Patriot

 The Resistance is rising.


New Year’s Wishes | S/V Danneskjöld

May 2014 bring victories in the cause of human liberty, humiliating defeats for those dedicated to its destruction, massive catastrophes for the governmental domestic spying apparati and personal destruction for those who have orchestrated it, success for the hard-working, discomfort for looters, a change in mindset for the moochers, and needed, genuine reform within the system.

With luck we will see the replacement of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on the ballot with Senator Lee Bright, and Senator Mitch McConnell will be replaced by Matt Bevin. Who knows, maybe we could even drum up some primaries for the House Cryer John Boehner, and other deserving turncoats. A House and Senate in the control of people who actually embrace liberty would be a great change for the new year.
